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Welcome to my humble potfolio

Muhammetberdi Jepbarov

Backend Engineer | DevSecOps

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My Basic Information

Skills: Specialize in secure, performant network applications, microservice design, cybersecurity, DevOps, Project Management.
Experience: Led a development team, delivering up to 16 production projects.
Technical: Proficient in project tracking, SCRUM management, and secure deployment.
Innovation: Built IoT-integrated electronic devices during university studies.
Communication: Excellent at bridging between managers and developers.
I bring a blend of technical expertise, leadership, management and effective communication to the table. 🚀

My personal skills:

Project management Leadership Creativity Communicativity Dare to learn
  • Ynamly Belentlik
    |On Site

    Software Engineer | Project Manager

    • Developed an international-standard on-boarding process, boosting team integration.
    • Improved up to 7 projects including Systems and Software Engineering, IoT and maintained successful deployment through collaboration with software teams and managers.
    • Produced "Erkin Ugur" podcasts and courses to support IT community growth, more than 45 videos published.

    - visit the website
  • American Council on Education

    Maker Space Project Trainer

    • Educated and inspired students to explore STEM fields, including robotics, VR, 3D printing and science.
    • Provided teenagers with hands-on, creative learning experiences in STEM.
    • Fostered critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills through engaging activities.

  • AI-Printable

    Software Engineer

    • Implemented secure & robust RESTful e-commerce web APIs.
    • Integrated AI image generation service into the app.
    • Collaborated with the Front-end team, improved React/Redux data store & components lifecycle, reduced response time.

    - visit the website
  • Naval school
    |Military service

    Robotics & STEAM teacher

    • Educated middle school cadets in mechanics, electronics, and project development, fostering hands-on technical skills.
    • Built and guided multiple projects and robots to achieve success in competitions.
    • Created an inspiring space for innovation within a cadet school.
  • Sap Chozgut
    |Part time

    Software Enineer | Teamlead

    • Improved server security and optimized application performance by implementing advanced caching strategies and server-side rendering, resulting in a more secure and faster e-commerce application deployment at Sap Chozgut.
    • Designed and implemented an IoT-integrated smart parking system at Sap Chozgut, incorporating automated sensors and electronic devices for precise accounting calculations and streamlined parking management.
    - see the project
  • Oguz Han ETUT Innovations Lab
    |Team member

    Development of Smart Home automation system in "16-njy Tapgyr" and "Gorjaw"

    • Wireless communication between Arduino, Esp8266, RPi
    • Building Surveillance, Light & Temperature control devices
    • Android & Web app API's Development
    - see the project
  • Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University
    |Bachelor's degree

    Faculty: Automations and Electronics

    Major: Electronics engineer

    - go to official webpage

My Featured Electronic Projects

+ During a Bachelor's degree, to get the most from the teoretical part we created a small team to build our projects to test the knowledge in practical


Clearparking - Small and Microserviced IoT Parking Management System

- see the project

Microservice design (connected small applications)

Build using Python Go C# Javascript and Arduino, each of them are changeable because of microservice and clean project design

Excangable UI Accounting software

For checking a salary, debt, creating a payment account and checking out a time used of parking, you can use either AkHasap, 1C, Atlant, or any other manual solution

Dedicated React UI web App

For separated monitoring the application's acitivity, there's a clean web app - see the project

IoT API service and Arduino

Arduino, Barcode and Printing is accesable through the IO interface written in Go. Each time Barcode is reading a card, Arduino sends sensor data of a car, after completing the checkout, arduino runs a motor to open the gate, and keeps it open until car safely entered or exitted a parking.

Electronic projects


Projects done during the study in the Oguz Han Engineering and Technology universtiry

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Smart Home IoT system

Latest production-ready version of the project

Development of Smart Home automation system in "16-njy Tapgyr" and "Gorjaw"

09/2020 - 06/2022

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Easy to use

All IoT Products communicate with other devices and RaspberryPi MQTT-like server The measuring devices share their data to main database then synchronyze with parent main Server
Mobile app got features to trigger "Home Mode" while entering system's Wi-Fi connection, so data will communicate through local connections as well as using Internet while away.

Home System's electronic products such as Conditioner, lights, curtain, TV, Boiler, Oven and the rest can be embedded by ESP8266 or AT-Mega controller connect to System





Entrance door is equipped with RFID and Fingerprint sensors, the logger logs the entrance time, camera captures motion detect and failed attempt causes.

Each failed attempt sends alarm to Mobile App and sends SMS to a number of a user.
These alarms also pre-built for Fire, Gas, Water-leak sensors.
The system has additional Power in case of electricity off conditions.

Smart Home features separately

Kitchen devices control

Curtain control

Lights control


Web/Mobile Projects

Writing backend API's, creating useful solutions for some aspects of life, UI inspirations.

Most of the projects contain links to source or deployed production application, click on the boxes to see more.


Hyzmat Hazynasy

Sanly hyzmat we söwda agentligi

- see the project



Domestic animals and plants e-commerce platform UI inspiration

- see the project


ME-News Scraper

A smart webscraping bot with UI website, collecting all useful data from local News Agency websites and bringing them to a single view.


Quiz app

Massive and secure Quizzer


Sagmen + Hekimbot

A medical registration and drug store project with an online checkup registry module which is connected with IoT Doctor Assistant



Ordered product's path tracking service with Arduino IoT device connected to a Global tracking service.

- see the project



Hünärmen – ýörite döwrebap kadr agentligi.

- see the project



ERDU - Flexible FTP and HTTP connected Cloud app written on Python Flask


DevFest'21 Commercial Web page

DevFestis one of the biggest tech events for developers across the globe.

- see the project



System for managing lectures, hometasks and grading system in University.

- see the project


Lomay Sowda v2

A wholesale trading platform written on React.js, Python.

- go to website


Whiteboard online sharing

An OpenCV driven project for sharing a Whiteboard on lecture from any angle and streaming it to a website

- see the project



Health & Fitness related UI inspiration

- see the project


Lomay Sowda v1

The first ever version of E-commerce platform


Hilli v1

An electronic equipment e-commerce website

Naval School Robotics Club

Ýaş Oýlap Tapyjylar - Young Creators

The main aim was to give them wide understanding of how physics, mechanics, elecronics and algorithms work I think STEAM is one of the powerful methods of developing the creativity in youth.

crab roboarm.webp
yot logo


IT Specialist, Mentor

Nasa Space Apps Challenge

- watch the video

1'st place in 1'st ever Hackaton Ashgabat

The first ever Hackaton 2020 assosiated by Google Developers Group Ashgabat.

Team name: "VooDoo boys"

Speaker on DevFest'21

Google Developers Group Ashgabat

Daily hacks with IoT

Speaker on Devfest'23

Google Developers Group Ashgabat

Arduino + Golang in projects of IoT

- watch the video

Speaker on WTM'22

Google Developers Group Ashgabat

Lifehacks in development with and witout Google

- watch the video

Mentor, Club Ambassador

Technovation Girls Turkmenistan

Mentor of Defi

Technovation Girls Turkmenistan 2021

Defi team mentoring session

Technovation Girls Turkmenistan 2021

Mentor of Utopia

Technovation Girls Turkmenistan 2023

Robotics teacher in Naval school

Children got acquainted with the field of robotics and took part in Robo-Fests

Mentor & Speaker

Google Developers Group Ashgabat


Other Projects



Nanoelectronics & IoT

This is a real jump simulator of a Dino game (can be used for any similar game too)
This is literally a huge SPACE button for human

- see the project
- watch the video


Nanoelectronics & IoT

Using Image processing to handle gestures and do simple actions on computer.
The project built using Python with OpenCV library

- see the project

Solar Tracker

Nanoelectronics & IoT

An experimental robotics project, for building a Sun-tracking solar battery system. The main concept is using 4 photoresistors to calculate the lumosity level on specified angle.

- see the project

Smart Drug Reminder Cup

Nanoelectronics & IoT

+ I was inspired by a project that got a prize in And challenged myself to build similar solution by myself.
The project uses a Hall (magnetic) sensor to detect whether the cup is open and works on a shrinked integrated circuit.

- see the project

IoT Presentation control

Nanoelectronics & IoT

This is a wearable IoT controller built on OrangePi microcomputer. Project consists of 2 applications, a client and server. Server listens for requests and then processes a command. A wearable computer sends request to a server, accoring to a gesture.

- see the project

GreenHouse IoT (Integrated with Smart Home)

Nanoelectronics & IoT

If you need a best solution for your greenhouse where automated tasks work flawlessly and the data is logging with a grace, here is a Smart GreenHouse IoT.

The project is able to:

  • Add/Remove sensors
  • Set and keep the required moisture of a specifical plant
  • Control Temperature and humidity through whole greenhouse
  • Control the light, window, waterpump, ground heater and other additional devices
  • Send diagnostics to Web and Mobile App
  • Has charts and tables of sensor records

- see the project

Motion Suveliance update

Homemade project

A little update to ordinary Door-Button ringer with pre-built Camera capturer Now it captures pictures when motion detected from PIR sensor.